There was no more information regarding the labyrinth, no clues or details. They cleaned the space and found nothing suspicious, there were some fabric pieces and small bones, small stones, small pieces of glass and tons of dust. Sure the bones were weird but it looked like a small animal, maybe a dead animal that perished there and nothing more.

But then again, there was no explanation on why this space was closed, and where did the loud noises came from.

Annie and Sam decided to investigate further, any history on the property or information of the former owners may be a good start. They called their tenant, Mrs. Fuller, she had always been nice, but they had to be very careful with how they asked for information, after all, you never know what people are involved in; Mrs. Fuller sure was nice and kind, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Mrs. Fuller came as requested by the girls. Sam started by saying that they were very happy living there and so comfortable, however they thought that maybe there was something wrong with the pipes or the house, because they could hear loud noises sometimes. (She was careful not to mention any paranormal or suspicious thing, they didn't want to upset her). Mrs Fuller was clam and not surprised, she mentioned that the pipes and structure were in fact old, and she'd gladly hire someone to come in and check every corner of the house to help them solve this issue.

In the meantime, Anna and Sam went to the library to search on the property. They also traced a map in order to identify the spots in the Labyrinth. As it turns out, the spots were two houses and one gas station. This information was a little step, but it actually meant nothing, at least not yet. 

In the library, they were able to find a small article about one of the homes in the map. The headline was "Missing Woman Found Dead in the Attic". The article said that a woman named Elizabeth Cook, that went missing 8 years ago, was found dead in the attic of a home in Edgewood Ave. (this house was marked in the labyrinth). Owners had no idea when they purchased the home 5 years ago, apparently there was a panel placed to isolate a small size closet, and Elizabeth Cook was trapped there. She had been dead for a long time, close to 8 years. No information on the former owners. Anna and Sam looked at each other, chills down their spine. This article was dated April 3, 1981. 

They went back home, but decided to take a little detour and go by the Edgewood home, just to take a look at the property. The house was just a normal house, nothing special about it. They looked around from the outside, they could tell someone lives in it, they can hear voices and the TV. They left, there was nothing abnormal and they were not going to knock the door to ask about the dead woman. 

That night nosies were as loud as ever, loud banging on the walls, tapping on the windows, whispers were so loud and busy, it seemed there were like 10 or more people whispering at the same time. Sylvia and Danielle were up too, the four of them having tea, and talking about the article.

Danielle said
-It seems you found something, and that something knows and its getting louder. Can any of you understand any of the whispering?

- Call me crazy, but I think they are praying, or some kind of prayer. Probably singing?

- I can't make up any words, but to me it sounds like chanting, it has some kind of rhythm. But I am done with this place, I'm sorry Annie, but I think I'll find somewhere else to live. I really don't want to get involved in whatever this thing is. I've never liked paranormal things and I don't want any of that shit in my life. I need to focus on finishing school, I have a scholarship and I can't be up all night wondering it this thing will kill me some night. 

Annie knew Sam was right. What good would come out of this, investigating whatever is going on in this house and any of the other spots. It was time to move on, before getting to involved in something that might not end well, or worse, something that may not end at all. Who are they going to tell about the noises? the police? they found nothing suspicious in the closet, they had no case, just a probable reference to a missing woman several years ago, that's it, that's all they have. 

All four of them moved within a period of three months. They decided not to investigate further. The last to move was Sylvie, though she never spent the night in the house alone,  a new roommate moved in as soon as Danielle left. She then found an affordable place to stay and left. The upstairs apartment was vacant for a long period of time, Mrs. Fuller was doing some renovations on the property. 

They all went part ways. Annie got a job in Chicago, Sylvie went back to her native Texas, Sam moved to Rhode Island and Danielle married a nice guy and moved to California. They stayed in touch from time to time. They never mentioned anything about the house or the labyrinth to anyone, not even among themselves. 

A couple of years ago, Mrs. Fuller passed, and her daughter put the house up for sale. It is still up for sale. I needs work, but over all it is a nice property. 

Annie just got a letter from Danielle, its weird, her birthday is not until September and Christmas was months ago. She opened the letter and found one news paper copy and a letter. 

The news paper headline said "Found; 10 bodies buried in a gas station while being demolished". Turns out the Fullers owned that lot. The 10 bodies found have not being identified, but a map was found, there are at least 18 homes marked near the area, police is investigating the connection between the bodies and the homes. 
