The Hikers Mystery

Headlines around the world were talking about it; Two Dutch tourists, Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers,  were missing in Panama, and it  quickly spread internationally due to the mystery surrounding it. These girls were hikers and  planning to climb through the "Pianista" road on a guided tour, however, as they reached the Boquete area early, decided to explore themselves and enjoy the day. Next morning, when the tour guide reached their hostel, locals realized they had never returned the day prior, and authorities were notified. 

The circumstances of their disappearance is, till this date, a mystery.  It is said that they didn't take any of their equipment for hiking and most of their belongings were in the Hostel when the missing persons file was reported.   

A couple of months later, they found some remains  a hip and a femur. It matched the girls DNA. They were declared dead. However, it doesn't end just like that. The investigation performed has not been able to provide with a plausible cause of death. it is known that there are savage felines in that area, but all of them are solo hunters, and it is not probable that just one jaguar or mountain cat can devour two humans, including the rest of their bones. There are alligators in the area as well, but that theory has been dismissed as well. The most acceptable theory is that they fell off a cliff and got severely injured and were not able to move. However they both had their cell phones with them. They did tried to call the 911 service in Panama, got no response. It is registered, that they made several attempts to call for help, non went through. The last time it is know they switched on their phone, was April 11. 

After all these years, it is still not clear what happened to Lissane and Kris.  Some claim it was a murder as there are claims that a serial killer was roaming the area back then, some claim there are strange things going on in that jungle, as this is not the first time a tourist disappears, never to be seen again. A few years ago (2011) a British male hiker disappeared, leaving no tracks or clues. He or any of his belongings have never been found. 

It is also known that the investigation performed by the Panamanian authorities did not followed the proper procedures and protocols observed for this type of cases. Evidence was destroyed due to negligence and omissions. 

The only remains found, a foot and anklebones, and what seemed to be part of a hip. Somehow bones were intact, it didn't look like an animal attack, and the question remained, where are the rest of the remains? With the found remains, authorities were able to match the DNA to Lissane's and Kris's.   There are many theories, there is still no answer to any of them. But there is one thing that comes to my mind every time I get the 'updates' on this case: there is something not right in those woods, there is something not "natural" in the condition of those remains. 

A blue backpack was found, containing sunglasses, a camera, two cell phones, money, two bras, Lissane's passport and a water bottle. Their phones remained active for nearly 10 days, several S.O.S calls were made to the emergency number of the Netherlands and Panama, logs show they managed to connect only once, due to poor reception, however, the connected call was stable for roughly two seconds

More than a 100 pictures were on the camera, the first few look like normal tourist pictures, however, the tone of the pictures began to change. Theories say, some were taken to proof the presence of "someone" or "something... Make your guess. 


  1. Very Creepy story. I have a friend that really wanted to retire and move to Panama. I would love to visit there. Thanks for sharing this story!

    1. I am currently living here in Panama, it is a great place, lots of expats. Anytime you visit let me know, I can show you around!


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