The Palo Alto Battlefield Ghost

This happened to my step father. My mom and him married a few years ago. Me and my sisters are now adults so they lived in a small place in Brownsville Texas. They own a small but warm house very close to the beach, so we visited often. During the summer my Mom went to visit me and left my Step Dad alone at home. 

He has a very strict schedule, he woke up very early every morning, ironed his already ironed shirt and pants, had a small and light breakfast and left for work. He would usually get back home around 7 p.m.This is what happened, according to his words. I must state firs, he is a tough guy, a Marine, very skeptical of any paranormal thing. 

He got home that day with his good friend Joe, they both got there around 7:30 p.m., just as usual, they bought a couple of hot dogs from Sonic and went home to watch a game. They were both sitting at the kitchen counter, when my Dad went looking for a beer to the fridge. When he was opening the fridge he heard his friend say "didn't you say your wife was out", to my Dad's surprise, he turns and tells Joe that my Mom is not home, "what do you mean". Then Joe said that he saw a person go through the hall and into his bedroom. It was fast, but he insists it was a male figure. 

My Dad went to check the hall, the room and bathroom. There is also a door that leads to the garage, he went into the garage and found nothing. At this point he thought Joe was making it up, an then he saw Joe's scared face. Joe told him he was not messing with him, he was genuinely scared of what he saw. They both searched the house, every room, the garden and front porch. They found nothing. Joe left that day and never went back to my parents home, they would see each other at work or at Joe's house. A few years later Joe moved to a different county, they have not seen each other ever since. This was almost 10 years ago. 

Interesting enough, a couple years ago, they started building a gas station and small shopping mall just a couple blocks from their house. What they found may explain what happened that night, and so many other weird things we witnessed. They found an old burring ground, at what we know it is The Palo Alto Battlefield.
